Strength Training Workouts for Your Busy Week

When you have a busy day, week, or season of life, don’t give up on strength training.

In this Strength Training video I show you …

  • What exercises to do

  • When you can workout

  • Where you can workout

All in the rhythm of your day, so you don’t miss any of the fun stuff.

What to do When You Skip Fitness for a Lack of Time

Why can’t I find time to exercise?

I hear this from clients. And recently, when I wanted to skip some stretching, I heard it from myself.

In the video below I share about my yoga-class-gone-bad experience and the lessons you can use.

How to apply the Pain vs. Pleasure Principle

In everything in your life, you run on the pain vs pleasure principle. The return on investment of any activity - including fitness - needs to be pleasure in the moment and fulfilling now or, at least, soon.

To increase your pleasure and enjoyment of a fitness lifestyle, ask yourself three questions.

  • What do you like to do on vacation?

  • What activities make you lose track of time?

  • What makes you come alive?

Let’s put these questions to use.

  1. What do you like to do on vacation?

Do you love road trips to see new things?

Then going to the same gym, doing the same workout, seeing the same people may get boring quickly.

Colorado Road Trip

You need to change up your routine, working out one day at the gym, another day at the park, one day at home.  Doing an exercise class one day and meeting a friend to walk another day.  On the weekend going to a park you’ve never seen for a long hike.

Perhaps you prefer heading to the ocean; alternating between strolling the beach and reading a book?

Walking the Beach at Navarre Florida

Then you may enjoy walks in the park or taking your stretching mat by a stream on the weekend for a long stretching session.

2. What activities make you lose track of time?

Do you forget where you are when you are woodworking, painting or playing with a craft project? When I am organizing something, I can go for hours and it feels like minutes.

Is it sitting and looking at nature that absorbs you?  If that’s you, definitely include outdoor workouts.

Before a new client and I commit to work with each other, we talk to see what their needs are and how I can help.  In one of these recent sessions, a woman shared that she loves being with people but hates being out in nature.  So a dance session with her grandkids or a yoga class is more her style than a walk at the park.  

3. What makes you come alive?

  • Physical movement?

  • Learning something new?

  • Interacting with people?

  • Art?

  • Music?

For me, physical movement and learning both make me come alive.  Stretching does not involve much movement, which may be why I find it boring.  But…if I put on a podcast or audiobook to learn – it helps.

If you love art and music, make sure you have some of your favorite art in your home gym and your favorite music playing.

Putting this together with my own example, why was taking the class easier?

  • It is in a different location than my home

  • It is a long session of movement with short holds, vs how I usually stretch alone which a few minutes here and there and is long holds.

  • I’m learning something new each time from the instructor.

In addition to these questions, I have a fantastic Fitness Personality Quiz for you. 

It will help you identify your fitness personality and, based on that, what fitness activities you will enjoy most.

Email me at and I will get the quiz to you.

The 75 Hard Challenge is NOT for you

When a new friend told me he was doing 75 Hard, I decided to check it out. At first I got excited about it.

I like a challenge.

And because I was already doing most everything on the list, I thought “Cool. It will encourage me.”

Then as I read the full website, all of the guru-speak gave me a creepy-vibe. The more I read, the more red flags went up.

The guru-speak is common in pseudo-fitness programs.

Not just 75 Hard.

How can you know if a program is right for you?

Listen in.

Learn how to evaluate if a program is based on principles and science — or just the creator’s idea.

Would you like me to help you evaluate a program you are considering?

Please reach out to me for a free 15 minute consult. I want to make sure you are set up for success.

Simply email me at

Fitness Travel - The workout routine you ACTUALLY need

Your lifestyle changes when you travel. That’s a “reason” that over 50% of business travelers don’t stick with their exercise. (Yes. That’s from a real study.)

You are not one of them.

In fact, after you watch this video, you will know how to use the “travel makes life different” to your ADVANTAGE.


Tuli Kupferberg said “When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.”

When it comes to starting and sticking with fitness, nothing breaks old patterns like travel.

You’ll discover:

  • The benefits of exercise when traveling

  • Which type of workout you need to do

  • Which type of workout you may NOT need to do during travel

  • Places to be active that you’ve not dreamed of before

  • What to do if you don’t have access to a “gym”

Simple Standing Desk Options + Unboxing My New One!

So, you’ve heard all the rave about standing while you work.

Good. Because being able to alternate between sitting and standing is great for your health and your productivity.


How do you decide what option works best for you?

I’m excited to unbox and review the new standing desk converter I’m using now!

Plus, here are some questions I ask myself and my clients to decide what option is best.

  1. Is your current desk one you want or must keep?

  2. Do you sit for most of every day?

  3. Do you have several virtual meetings in which you could easily stand?

  4. How often do you work in multiple locations (coffee shop, clients’ offices)?

  5. Do you mostly work from a laptop, a desktop, or does it depend on the day?

There are several sit-stand desks and standing desk converters available.

You may need one that is several hundred dollars. (And if your situation needs it, that’s pennies compared to back pain.)

On the other extreme, I show you the two DIY versions I used for years. My situation changed. So, I changed my desk set up.

Whatever you choose, make sure you easily get movement put into your day.

Because that’s what will keep you healthy and achieving all you want in life.

How Exercise Improves Your Gut Health

One of the surprising gifts of movement is how exercise heals your gut.

As I am researching to present at this year’s Nourished Festival (link below), the studies on exercise and gut health have gotten me even more excited to workout.

Here are just a few of the fitness benefits:

  • Decrease gut inflammation

  • Increase good bacteria

  • Decrease pathogens in your gut

  • Help heal a leaky gut

  • Improve special-nutrients absorption

When you aren’t in the mood to exercise, sometimes the best motivation is a little knowledge.

Knowing the powerful perks can get you out of the easy chair, then out the door.

Join me at the Nourished Festival.

Register here:

Fun Spring Wellness Routines

Why is going with the flow of the season important?

Because when you try to go against nature’s rhythm, you make it harder for yourself to live healthy.

When you use the strength of the season, sticking with your wellness lifestyle is enjoyable. And easy.

For example, on a 70 degree, sunny Spring day, trudging on a treadmill is going to be procrastinated.

But a lunch time walk in the park feels like play.

Also, there are advantages to Spring offered to you in no other season.

Part of my evening routine is to journal and read. In the Spring I love to enjoy that outside. Why?

Spring is the only season with cool-not-cold evenings with no mosquitos.

Watch this video to get inspired by several ways to Spring-Fling your wellness rituals.

My Spring Challenge to you?

Create one way to embrace the Spring season into your healthy routines.

Enjoy Spring’s gifts while they are here. They truly only come once a year.

Move More and Sit Less with Dr. Stefan Zavalin

What an honor to interview Dr. Stefan. In addition to his smashing TedX Talk, he is super funny.

During our conversation I was surprised by these facts:

  1. When you sit longer than 30 minutes your ability to metabolize fat decreases by up to 90%.

  2. Stand when you work. Blood flow to your brain increases and you’ll be 46% more effective.

  3. This was the big shocker: sitting for 30 minutes primes the body to lose muscle. While you don’t actually lose muscle after 30 minutes of sitting, you do tell the body “Hey, you may not need all of these muscles.”

In a conversation after the camera went off, Stefan shared with me that movement actually primes your body the other way. Standing and walking to the copier may not build muscle, but it tells your body “Hey, hold on to this muscle. I’m using it.”

That’s why, even if your primary goal is fitness, taking movement breaks throughout the day will help you get to your goal sooner.

Listen in for all the great ideas!

Amp Up Your Brain Power with These Fun Activities

You’re busy. You sometimes skip your workouts to get more done. But then … it backfires, leaving you less able to focus, make good decisions, or have the mental energy you need.

Because you’re busy, you don’t want to waste time. You want to make sure your workout is actually benefitting your brain and focus.

I’ve got your answer.

In this short video, you’ll discover the fun options to boost your brain power.

What Healthy Habits do you pick first?

You want to get healthier this year. But there are so many things you hear you “should” do, you don’t know where to start.

Should you meditate? Or journal? Or start training for a half-marathon?

Perhaps you need to try eating different or stretching more?

No need to worry about where to start.

Here are the hands-down most important and easiest habits to do first.

It’s just three.

So you can start them all. Even today.

Reach out in a week and let me know how you are doing with them.

How to Focus so Your Fitness Goals Actually Work

You’ve set this New Years Resolutions before. Get Healthy This Year.

Why hasn’t it happened? More important — how can you set this year’s resolution so it actually works?

I’m excited to share with you how. And the answer has evolved into a Three Part Mini-Course.

For this week and the next two, set aside a few minutes to watch the video. And … invest a few minutes to implement what I share.

You will be at a better place in a short time when you do.

So, what’s the first essential piece to fitness goals that stick?


You have a lot you want to accomplish this New Year. That is fantastic!

But when you try to start everything at once, it backfires.

Why do you need to Focus on only a few new fitness goals at once? Because every goal has several mini-experiments.

One of my clients set a goal to workout every day. She thought "Hey, mornings will be great to hop on my bike and start my day." By mid-afternoon she was low energy and felt behind in her work. She knew, intuitively, her work out needed to move to the afternoon. She would accomplish her creative tasks in the morning, enjoy a mid-afternoon workout to lift her energy again, and be ready for a fun evening.

Had she started changing her routine, workout, cooking, meditation, bedtime, supplements, meal times, and five other fitness habits all at the same time, it would not have been clear what wasn't working. She would not have had clarity on what to alter.

Once she found the workout time that clicked, then - and only then - was she ready to focus on the next goal.

She thought about what could work. She tested it and noticed what happened. She adjusted.

Remember those steps as you FOCUS on a healthy habit: Think. Notice. Adjust.

Focus on starting one to three (max) new activities. Think. Notice. Adjust.

Then celebrate your progress!

Stay focused in 2022. One goal at a time.

Quick Stretches to Stop Pain and Stiffness

When you got up from the Thanksgiving feast — and from the sofa later in the day — your back and neck said “Hey, we need some help.”

Here’s a quick and easy stretching sequence. Do this at least once a day.

A great time to stretch is mid-day after you’ve been sitting with your work for over an hour.

Here’s your Simple 7 Day Challenge:

Starting this weekend, block 10 minutes a day to stretch.

Track it. And let me know how you did. I want to celebrate with you.

The Best Way to Track Your Workout

The answer surprised me. When I asked you in my social media “how do you track your workout” — the answers that came back surprised me.

When you watch this video you’ll find out why.

More importantly, you’ll learn the benefits of tracking your exercise.

Here’s my challenge to you:

If you ARE NOT tracking your workout, choose a quick and easy method to try for 10 days. Then let me know how it makes a difference.

If you ARE tracking your exercise, pat yourself on the back. Ask yourself: Is it easy and motivating? Or does it need to change?

Remember: Keep it Super Simple.

Three Ways Your Fitness Gadgets Make You Unfit

Seems counterintuitive.

You would think buying the latest book or gadget would encourage healthy choices, not unhealthy ones.

But there are 3 powerful reasons your plethora of gadgets may keep you trapped in skipping workouts or a bad relationship with food.

There is one way that gadgets can speed up your results. Watch to the end to find out how!

The best resource out there? You’ll discover it at my upcoming Break Free Retreat. It’s ladies only.

Here are your details on the retreat.

Got questions?

Just comment below or message me and I’ll answer them.

Surprising Motivation to make Healthier Choices

Is not making healthier choices really hurting you?

You know it can harm your health long-term. But health is easy to put off until tomorrow.

When you are getting motivated to make healthier decisions, you need about 90% “sugar” and 10% “salt” mixed in your motivation.

Keep reading and watching. This 10% will help you. I promise.

Discover the ways that your choices help or hurt you.

Self-esteem and confidence. Immediately.

For example, I stay trapped in a bad relationship with food -- false shame and guilt, dieting, going hungry then sneak eating and binge eating.

It wasn’t just about what I ate or didn’t eat.  It was a self-made prison that ate away at my self-esteem.

A client wanted to lose weight to help his confidence.  In reality, after his first workout he text me “got in my 1st workout.  My ego feels great!” 

Just keeping your word to yourself boosts your confidence.

how you relate to food (1).png

In the video I share how your choices about health habits impact your decisions in relationships.

And I get personal. Really personal.

how you relate to food.png

Another way you are hurt by unhealthy choices:  Money.

Yes, long term medical bills.

But immediately - wasted money.

That gym membership you don’t use?  Wasted money.

A client showed me a fully equipped workout room which was never used (until she started coaching with me).  That money was being thrown away.

If you want to break out of the traps that keep you making unhealthy habits, get registered for my Break Free Retreat.

It’s a ladies only retreat (sorry gents).

Click here for more info and to register.

Men's Health Month Challenge

You know what to do to take care of your health.

  • Get your physical

  • Go exercise

  • Eat healthy

  • Drink more water

  • And the list goes on

But if you are NOT doing these, you need to dig a little deeper.

Here’s my challenge to you:

  1. Ask yourself WHO. Who are the people in your life that motivate you to take care of yourself?

  2. Is it FUN? You will not stick with something that is painful or boring.

Ok, your annual physical isn’t going to be fun, granted. But everything else — it can be.

Family Fitness Fun!

Imagine creating memories your kids and grandkids will talk about for years. Picture them passing down a legacy of health and wellness. And make it easier for yourself to stick with a healthy lifestyle, all at the same time.

Crazy thought?


It just takes a little fun and creativity.

(Get your Fun Family Fitness Cheat Sheet. Just email me for it —

The 5 questions below will help you.

Want the details? Check out this video.

  1. What ages are your kids and grandkids?

  2. How can you add fun and games? (Fun Family Fitness Cheat Sheet is waiting for you. Just email me and get your copy —

  3. What technology tricks can you use?

  4. How do you plan for different personalities?

  5. What relationship do you want to build?

Why Your Workout Isn't Working for You

A friend called recently. After catching up, she asked me a question I often hear. "We've been trying this workout program, and it is not working right. Is it us?"

All-or-none-cookie-cutter-one-size-fits-all programs are designed to fail. And in the process, you end up feeling like a failure. Which then makes you not want to stick with a healthy lifestyle.

My friend's particular program looked good on paper. Most do.

The program included high intensity interval training (HITT). Good. But maybe not good for you.

(Wondering what a HITT workout is? Or whether a low, moderate, or high intensity workout is right for you? Jump to the two-minute mark of this week’s video.)

Back to my friend … The problem is that she had recently overcome adrenal fatigue and has an 18 month old son..

But here’s an even bigger issue with the cookie-cutter workout plan! Five days of high-intensity exercise back to back does not allow enough recovery time, even if her adrenals were 100%.

When your workout is not working for you, it is tempting to give up.

Be Your Butler (4).png

Don’t give up.


My friend and I adapted a change in her weight training, lower intensity movement and exercises that rebuild energy. And made sure the schedule allowed for sleeping in sometimes, too!

What about your fitness? What is working or not working for you?

If you want help sticking with your fitness plan, don’t miss my Unlock Your Hidden Health Potential free online workshop.

It is coming up June 2 and 3.

Click here for Workshop Details and Registration.

Best Home Gym for a Small Space with Big Results

When I asked the surrogate personal trainer (a.k.a. I did an internet search), I found two main fitness camps.

Them —

a garage completely full of exercise machines with no space for their car … their bedroom stuffed with Smith machines, treadmills, full workout gear while their bed was tucked away in a corner.

Their workout equipment is not part of their lives; it is their life.

Us —

professionals working from home, wanting our fitness gear to share space, not take it over. But we still want the space to give us Big Results.

I’ve trained clients who are blessed to have a full room dedicated to fitness. I’ve coached others who have a corner of their office for dumbbells plus a hallway for lunges.

Either set up works great.

Years ago, in a small condo, I had a 2 foot X 2 foot space to store my gear. Now, while I do not have a full room dedicated to fitness, I do have one wall in my office.

In this video I share the best and essential equipment you need, regardless of the space you have.

IMG_5956 (2).JPG

Oops. I did miss filming one piece of equipment:

An old sturdy office chair. Beaten up - but it works!

After watching this, comment what fitness gear you will use.

10 Tips to Set Up Your Home Gym

When the weather is cold you probably don’t like to go walk or run outside. And when it is bitter cold, you don’t even like to get out to the gym. Right?

So, I have 10 do’s and don’ts for you to create and upgrade your home gym.

Don’t make the same mistakes I made like …

Having my step aerobics bench inconveniently located - just because it kept it out of the way.

Or keeping fitness equipment I didn’t use.

And shooting this video I realized I’ve kept some yoga balls I need to donate. It is amazing how we stop using workout gear and don’t recognize it.

But also learn from my good habits …

Like having an inspiring fitness area. And having movies and music available.

Enjoy the 10 Tips and let me know what you use.


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