What to do When You Skip Fitness for a Lack of Time

Why can’t I find time to exercise?

I hear this from clients. And recently, when I wanted to skip some stretching, I heard it from myself.

In the video below I share about my yoga-class-gone-bad experience and the lessons you can use.

How to apply the Pain vs. Pleasure Principle

In everything in your life, you run on the pain vs pleasure principle. The return on investment of any activity - including fitness - needs to be pleasure in the moment and fulfilling now or, at least, soon.

To increase your pleasure and enjoyment of a fitness lifestyle, ask yourself three questions.

  • What do you like to do on vacation?

  • What activities make you lose track of time?

  • What makes you come alive?

Let’s put these questions to use.

  1. What do you like to do on vacation?

Do you love road trips to see new things?

Then going to the same gym, doing the same workout, seeing the same people may get boring quickly.

Colorado Road Trip

You need to change up your routine, working out one day at the gym, another day at the park, one day at home.  Doing an exercise class one day and meeting a friend to walk another day.  On the weekend going to a park you’ve never seen for a long hike.

Perhaps you prefer heading to the ocean; alternating between strolling the beach and reading a book?

Walking the Beach at Navarre Florida

Then you may enjoy walks in the park or taking your stretching mat by a stream on the weekend for a long stretching session.

2. What activities make you lose track of time?

Do you forget where you are when you are woodworking, painting or playing with a craft project? When I am organizing something, I can go for hours and it feels like minutes.

Is it sitting and looking at nature that absorbs you?  If that’s you, definitely include outdoor workouts.

Before a new client and I commit to work with each other, we talk to see what their needs are and how I can help.  In one of these recent sessions, a woman shared that she loves being with people but hates being out in nature.  So a dance session with her grandkids or a yoga class is more her style than a walk at the park.  

3. What makes you come alive?

  • Physical movement?

  • Learning something new?

  • Interacting with people?

  • Art?

  • Music?

For me, physical movement and learning both make me come alive.  Stretching does not involve much movement, which may be why I find it boring.  But…if I put on a podcast or audiobook to learn – it helps.

If you love art and music, make sure you have some of your favorite art in your home gym and your favorite music playing.

Putting this together with my own example, why was taking the class easier?

  • It is in a different location than my home

  • It is a long session of movement with short holds, vs how I usually stretch alone which a few minutes here and there and is long holds.

  • I’m learning something new each time from the instructor.

In addition to these questions, I have a fantastic Fitness Personality Quiz for you. 

It will help you identify your fitness personality and, based on that, what fitness activities you will enjoy most.

Email me at sheri@thevireolife.com and I will get the quiz to you.

How to Think About the ILLNESS WELLNESS Continuum

To reach your potential and have more energy, you need to understand the Wellness Continuum.

Wellness is not just the absence of disease or disease-risk. I’ve learned it can also be experienced despite disease.

This is good news.

Because no matter if you are in perfect health or struggling with a medical issue, you can grow your wellness.

What is Wellness?

Wellness encompasses your physical health - and your mental and emotional health, too.

John Travis, M.D., developed the Illness - Health - Wellness Continuum in 1972. As a continuum, it is not static. You can move up and down on the scale.

  • The closer to disease you go, the more signs and symptoms your have.

  • The closer to health and wellness you go, the more energy and vibrancy of life you enjoy.

However, after years of working with clients, I have seen that there is something outside the traditional Illness - Wellness Continuum.

It is when a friend with chronic pain still thrives in life, even competing in ultra-marathons.

Or when a client manages post-cancer issues and becomes more vibrant and stronger in every area of wellness.

Is there better Wellness Continuum?

After years of experience, I decided to experiment with re-drawing the Wellness Continuum to illustrate what I’ve seen better motivates clients. True, no simplified illustration captures every facet of a concept.

Dr. Travis’s version created a solid foundation to think about wellness. Watch the video to learn how my re-vision of it can motivate you.

No matter what your health status, know that you can improve your wellness with small daily steps:

Don’t let a diagnosis discourage you. You can improve your wellness. No matter what.

How to Stop the Food Police

Would you like to eat without worrying about being judged? It’s time to tame the shame. It’s time to take away the whistle of the “food police”.

They may mean to be helpful. They may not even know their words are criticizing.

But even if their heart is in the right place, you need to set boundaries with these tips.


If you don’t, you will keep feeling judged. You’ll keep sneaking food to avoid the shame.

(I know. I’ve been there.)

Listen in and learn how to (kindly) Stop the Food Police.

How to Focus so Your Fitness Goals Actually Work

You’ve set this New Years Resolutions before. Get Healthy This Year.

Why hasn’t it happened? More important — how can you set this year’s resolution so it actually works?

I’m excited to share with you how. And the answer has evolved into a Three Part Mini-Course.

For this week and the next two, set aside a few minutes to watch the video. And … invest a few minutes to implement what I share.

You will be at a better place in a short time when you do.

So, what’s the first essential piece to fitness goals that stick?


You have a lot you want to accomplish this New Year. That is fantastic!

But when you try to start everything at once, it backfires.

Why do you need to Focus on only a few new fitness goals at once? Because every goal has several mini-experiments.

One of my clients set a goal to workout every day. She thought "Hey, mornings will be great to hop on my bike and start my day." By mid-afternoon she was low energy and felt behind in her work. She knew, intuitively, her work out needed to move to the afternoon. She would accomplish her creative tasks in the morning, enjoy a mid-afternoon workout to lift her energy again, and be ready for a fun evening.

Had she started changing her routine, workout, cooking, meditation, bedtime, supplements, meal times, and five other fitness habits all at the same time, it would not have been clear what wasn't working. She would not have had clarity on what to alter.

Once she found the workout time that clicked, then - and only then - was she ready to focus on the next goal.

She thought about what could work. She tested it and noticed what happened. She adjusted.

Remember those steps as you FOCUS on a healthy habit: Think. Notice. Adjust.

Focus on starting one to three (max) new activities. Think. Notice. Adjust.

Then celebrate your progress!

Stay focused in 2022. One goal at a time.

Mindful Eating Meditation

Do you leave the holiday meals miserable or content?

A few days ago I was talking with a client about his desire for food to be a place of celebration, not a source of suffering.

It is possible.

It starts with a simple, powerful practice. This practice will shift how you see yourself in relation to food.

You will increase your desire for what you want. Doing what you want will be easier.

What's this practice?


Here’s a “just follow along” guided meditation to make it easier to eat well.

For a “make your own” visualization, try these basics:

1. Think about how you want to feel, physically and emotionally, after eating.

2. Picture your mealtime or party. See yourself making the choices you want. See yourself enjoying the food and stopping when you are no longer hungry.

3. How will you feel? Sense the peaceful and joyful emotions and being proud of yourself after eating.

You can visualize anytime - while you are brushing your teeth, shaving, or as you go sleep ...

The key? Practice daily.

How to Stop Being Tempted to Eat When You Aren't Hungry

You walk by the pantry and the snacks inside start whispering your name. You try to ignore them.

But then when you get frustrated or bored, their whisper returns.

“Come back to us. Just have one. You’ll feel better. You need some fun in your life. We’ll make everything ok.”

Do you ever crave sweets or salty food this way?

Then do this.

  1. Watch the video

  2. Take the challenge

  3. Put in the comments one of your answers to the challenge.

See you on the other side of freedom.

What to Do When You Lose Focus

Losing focus. Feeling scattered.

Thinking “I can’t do this”.

These keep you from easily experiencing a healthy life.

I caught up with my friend, Mridu Parikh, a focus and productivity expert. She shared some simple and powerful ideas.

I asked her …

  1. So many things seem urgent. How do you stay focused on what’s important?

  2. What causes mental drain and how do you deal with it?

  3. If you get off focus, how do you get back on?

(And, yes, I ‘fess up to how I really got off focus last week. Her answer was an ah-ha for me.)

Listen in for some great inspiration and solutions!

P.S. Get Mridu’s freebies over at www.lifeisorganized.com/resources and subscribe to her podcast: Productivity on Purpose.

P.S.S. In the video, I mentioned my upcoming Break Free Retreat. Register here. Use the Early Bird promo code EARLYBFR until Tuesday, September 7th.

Three Ways Your Fitness Gadgets Make You Unfit

Seems counterintuitive.

You would think buying the latest book or gadget would encourage healthy choices, not unhealthy ones.

But there are 3 powerful reasons your plethora of gadgets may keep you trapped in skipping workouts or a bad relationship with food.

There is one way that gadgets can speed up your results. Watch to the end to find out how!

The best resource out there? You’ll discover it at my upcoming Break Free Retreat. It’s ladies only.

Here are your details on the retreat.

Got questions?

Just comment below or message me and I’ll answer them.

Three Ways Your Friends Make It Easier to Be Healthy

You don’t have to change your friends so you can make healthier choices. But you do need to ask a few friends to help you in these three ways.

How do you decide which friends to ask?

Listen in and you’ll learn the four critical traits of friends who are supporting you.

If you don’t have a community with these four critical traits, then you need join me for my Break Free Retreat. It is a women’s only retreat. (Sorry, guys.)

Your Level of SUPPORT PREDICTS Your Level of SUCCESS.png

The retreat is a powerful time to develop friendships with women who are on your same journey and can offer the support you need to succeed.

Here’s your details on the retreat. Feel free to email me any questions at sheri@thevireolife.com

Use this Visualization to Improve Your Health

Visualizing is a simple, powerful tool to make it easier to improve your health.

It does not take hours a day. But it does take consistency.

So here’s your fun challenge.

Over the 7 days, invest a few minutes each day listening to this video and intentionally picturing yourself healthier.

Let me know your results!

Want more ideas to Break Free into healthier habits?

Click here for details on my upcoming Break Free Retreat.

Surprising Motivation to make Healthier Choices

Is not making healthier choices really hurting you?

You know it can harm your health long-term. But health is easy to put off until tomorrow.

When you are getting motivated to make healthier decisions, you need about 90% “sugar” and 10% “salt” mixed in your motivation.

Keep reading and watching. This 10% will help you. I promise.

Discover the ways that your choices help or hurt you.

Self-esteem and confidence. Immediately.

For example, I stay trapped in a bad relationship with food -- false shame and guilt, dieting, going hungry then sneak eating and binge eating.

It wasn’t just about what I ate or didn’t eat.  It was a self-made prison that ate away at my self-esteem.

A client wanted to lose weight to help his confidence.  In reality, after his first workout he text me “got in my 1st workout.  My ego feels great!” 

Just keeping your word to yourself boosts your confidence.

how you relate to food (1).png

In the video I share how your choices about health habits impact your decisions in relationships.

And I get personal. Really personal.

how you relate to food.png

Another way you are hurt by unhealthy choices:  Money.

Yes, long term medical bills.

But immediately - wasted money.

That gym membership you don’t use?  Wasted money.

A client showed me a fully equipped workout room which was never used (until she started coaching with me).  That money was being thrown away.

If you want to break out of the traps that keep you making unhealthy habits, get registered for my Break Free Retreat.

It’s a ladies only retreat (sorry gents).

Click here for more info and to register.

Too tired or stressed? Do this.

I was recently talking with a friend who is a master at getting people free from over-tired and over-stressed. We chatted about how when our clients come to us they struggle to have time for exercise and eating healthy. They are tired and stressed.

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Then, after working with us, they are focused on only doing what they do best and aren’t overwhelmed anymore.

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What’s so funny is that we serve our clients in vastly different ways!

I coach.

She’s a virtual assistant!

So we talked about the importance of delegating and how to figure out what to delegate and what not to delegate. And then decided “Hey, this is good stuff. Let’s record our conversation and share it.”

But, here’s the deal. Just because we think it is a conversation you need, doesn’t mean it is, right? Please let me know if …

(a) you love this interview format and want tons more

(b) you enjoy it and want interviews occasionally

(c) nah, you’d rather just stick to me sharing with you

Comment or email me your thoughts.

What's holding you back?

Is it fear of what others will think about how you eat (or don’t eat)?

Is it a co-worker who looks at you weird when you walk at lunch?

You are not alone.

I’ve faced this at family gathering, work parties, and in the work breakroom. I’d stretch instead of just standing there, and wow, people thought I was weird.

Interesting though, that other people starting taking my lead. Guess what? They will take your lead, too and you will inspire them through your own healthy choices.

You win. They win.

So, unleash your courage and stop holding back.

Change Your Greatest Limiting Belief

Discover today how to overcome the most self limiting belief you have. It keeps you from living the healthy lifestyle you desire.

It is a simple switch.

I know from experience it takes effort to shift to the truth. I also know it is worth it.

Why Habits Don't Work for You

You’ve got a friend who tried X and it worked.  You tried it and it failed spectacularly.


When your friend prepped his meals on the weekend, he raved about how it saved him time and effort during the week.  You tried it and you were miserable doing it and the food ruined in the cute little containers.

Another friend tried martial arts classes and ended up practicing every day.  They got fit so quick you were inspired to join in.  After a week, you started finding excuses to not practice and after a month you dropped yet another gym membership.

You saw a friend on social media selling a special shake that’s giving them amazing energy.  You bought it from them and it’s just giving you indigestion.

What’s the deal?

I chose the tagline for ViREO Life carefully.  Find your path.  Fulfill your potential.  The only way to fulfill your unique potential is to find your unique path.  Your path is the steps, the tactics, of your lifestyle to get the results you want.

That lifestyle is uniquely yours.  Your friends lifestyle is uniquely theirs.  Every client I work with has a totally different path.

Does that mean it is just a shot in the dark to find what works?  Absolutely not.

You apply the principles of sticking with habits and you quickly find your tactics.

Let’s take those three common examples I mentioned at the beginning.

One Principle is Enjoyment.  What is your personality?  What do you enjoy in your life?  Another Principle relates to Time.  What priorities and responsibilities do you have?

For the friend who likes to prep food - perhaps their personality likes methodical planning and their evening are committed to working late.  For you?  Perhaps you enjoy going out to eat in the evenings with your buddies -- while the prepared food goes bad in your fridge.

Perhaps your martial arts pal loves to engage mentally with their exercise and be with people, and perhaps you need to let your mind wander and have some alone time.  Sounds like a walk in the park would be a good experiment.

For the shake -- What about the Principle of Biology?   Maybe your friend was deficient in some nutrients?  What if you are sensitive to one of the ingredients?

There are several questions I use when guiding clients.  Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What was fun in childhood?

  • What fulfills you?

  •  What do you like to do on vacation?

  • What makes you come alive?

  • What makes you laugh?

  • Who do you enjoy?

  • What relaxes you?

  • What activities absorb you, to where you lose track of time?

Invest a few minutes today answering these and look for common themes.  Those themes will reveal the tactics you need in your unique healthy lifestyle.

Easy and Surprising Way to Improve Your Personality

Being healthy is only one reason to choose healthy habits.

You will improve your character and personality traits along the way.

You likely have a trait you want to strengthen. Maybe it is to be more assertive and confident. Maybe you want to be more creative.

But practicing a new way of being can be, well, risky.

Want to be more assertive and negotiate for a raise? That can be scary.

Trying to be more creative in a challenging project? What happens if you get stuck and fail?

You aren’t alone.

Here’s how five people, just like you, used Health Habits as a “training ground” for personality traits.


One client wants to be more assertive. Intuitive Eating is helping her to ask for what she really wants in the safe area of “where to eat dinner.”

Assertive (2).png

Another wanted to improve his confidence for business meetings. Getting to the gym boosted his esteem, before he lost any weight.

Assertive (1).png

The book The Millionaire Mind lists fitness, exercise, health, eating well, energy habits - as all vital to develop discipline, stress management, focus, and ability to take risk.

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Another client increased his creativity by going against the workout norms and creating his own routine.

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And yours truly? I’ve been working on mindfulness for a year or so. Intuitive Eating is a safe and fun way to practice being present.

How to choose healthy habits? That’s what this whole site is about.

If you want to speed up the process and stop wasting efforts, email me (sheri@thevireolife.com) and let’s chat. We’ll personalize your plan.

You need to B.Y.O.B. (Umm...No. Not that.)

“How can I make it easier to have a wellness lifestyle?”

When this question comes up, I notice the answer is embedded in the question.


If you don’t make healthy living part of your lifestyle, you will stay frustrated with it.

To live well, to live healthy, is not living singular disconnected actions. It is a lifestyle.

Be Your Butler.png

One simple question to strengthen that lifestyle is “What would my future self want me to do?”

My two week ago self chose to not wash the apples, but leave them in the bag.  My self today got an apple out of the bag and it was rotten.

My self today also went for a walk in clean workout clothes because my last weekend self folded the laundry and put it away.

What about your lifestyle?  Do you set out your workout clothes the night before a morning walk?  One of my favorite ways to prep my workout clothes is pack them in my gym bag for the whole week. 

With plastic grocery bags to bring home the sweaty ones, of course.

If you want to cook creatively in the evenings, but just cannot face standing and chopping after a long workday, could your lifestyle include some pre-chopping on the weekend?

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The flow of your lifestyle will change over time.

My schedule used to be that if I wanted healthy convenient lunches, I would need to pack them all on Sunday for the week.  Now, I don’t need to do that.  

But for the days I am out during lunch, I need to already know where the quiet places - or parks are to enjoy a relaxed lunch.

All of this means you will need to prioritize your healthy lifestyle.  That doesn’t mean there is never a place for “Oh, let’s be spontaneous and road trip this weekend instead of grocery shopping and prepping food.”  It does mean that if road-tripping is every weekend, your healthy lifestyle needs to plan for it.

What to do?

In the words of Chase Hughes, “Be Your Own Butler”

Step One: What’s the most emotionally painful part of healthy living for you?  Is it rushing to get a healthy dinner on the table?  Is it missing a lot of your workouts?  Or are you tired of stressing out because you are always late?  Or ____________?

Step Two:  For that area, how can you be your own butler?  What do you need to prepare ahead?

Your future self will thank you.

Be Your Butler (2).png

Best Way to Stop Triggering a Bad Habit

Last Sunday and Monday I experienced very different days, and it was because of one choice.

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For Sunday lunch I chose to eat my lunch (a “healthy salad”) rushed between church and a friend’s right-after-church wedding.  Out of the plastic container I’d brought it in.  Standing.  Hunched over, shoveling it in.  Distracted.

Sound familiar?

The rest of the afternoon I felt chaotic, tense, had poor posture.  It was just, well, yuck.

For Monday breakfast, lunch, and dinner I got out the nice china, sat “properly” at the table, and ate slowly.  All day I was relaxed, focused, productive, and had good posture.

One choice triggered multiple results.

Remember Newton’s 3rd Law “Every action creates an equal and opposite reaction”? 

In the world of your habits, every action creates multiplied and amplified reactions.

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Pay attention to the “domino effect.”  Think about the last time you ate dinner while watching a movie, got mentally charged up, then slept poorly, so your appetite was increased the next day.

It’s time to try a different approach.

What is the bad habit you want to break?  Don’t focus on that habit.  Find the trigger; find the step that happens BEFORE the habit and focus on it.

I had two triggers before my rushed eating on Sunday. 

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1.  I failed to have a plate for my salad.  So the container encouraged chaotic eating. 

2.  I was telling myself “I’ve only got 10 minutes” instead of reminding myself “I’ll eat what I have time for now; I won’t starve; I can finish it after the wedding” which I had to anyway.)

If you always eat ice cream every night before bed, what comes first?  

If you plan your workout for after work, but then always find yourself on the sofa instead, what comes before sitting on the sofa?

When you make these subtle and powerful shifts, you will find yourself stopping habits that don’t help you, but be prepared.  You’ll also find those around you wondering what’s going on.

After work you used to change into moccasins and that led to sitting on the sofa with your spouse for the rest of the evening.  Now, you put on your walking shoes and leads to a walk.  Plan on letting your spouse know that, well, things are changing.

Stop losing ground and wasting time staying stuck in habits that aren’t serving you.

What’s one habit you want to level-up?  What’s the trigger you’ll change to make it happen?

Next week, I’m going to show you how to use this same habit trick to remember new habits.

Six Reasons You Need to Find Your Unique Path

While growing up I suspected I had developed an unhealthy relationship with food – and sometimes even exercise.  But it was years later at a work potluck Christmas party that I knew I absolutely had a problem and had to change.

Everyone else was at the buffet ooh-ing and ah-ing over different dishes colleagues brought. 

I was in the bathroom terrified. 


“If I eat that _____ I’ll have to workout extra tomorrow. Who knows how many grams of ____ it has.”

“I want to try ____ but if I do I’ll probably not be able to stop eating it.”

“I’ll be good and just have the veggies I brought.  If I break my diet I’ll lose control.”

I realized I was the only one, apparently, who did not feel she could enjoy the food, the people, or the party and I stayed as far away from the table as possible.  Why?  I thought something was wrong with me. 

By that party I had spent almost 20 years fine-tuning my “diet mentality,” through the various diet and exercise rules I learned from the media.

And I wanted freedom.  Desperately.


I wanted to exercise just because it felt amazing and made me strong and healthy. Not because it burned calories I’d eaten the day before.

I wanted to eat a balanced meal because it was satisfying.

I wanted to enjoy a cookie without fear of eating five.

I wanted to go to a party and enjoy it all.

Scratch that.

I didn’t even know that was possible.  All I could fathom was maybe not being consumed with worrying about every morsel, gram, or repercussion after a party.

Thankfully, that part of me is a distant memory, because …

I found my path to THRIVE.

Did you see?

I released a course where I’m going to share with you the mindset, principles, techniques, tools and skills practiced by people who find – and follow – their unique path to health, wellness, and a Thriving Life.

It’s called …

THRIVE LIFE (Go here to learn more; we get started in just a few days.)

While there are so many health benefits to this way of life, the most surprising benefit has nothing to do typical health-parameters.

It has to do with relationships and accomplishing life goals.


Let me explain.  Envision that same work party where I locked myself away in the bathroom.  If my mind had been free from food-fear, I would have been mingling with colleagues and enjoying getting to know their families, enriching my relationships.

And when my mental and emotional space is not cluttered with how many calories I eat or burn or how much I do this or that, my mind is free to be creative and pursue dreams.  Plus, there is way less stress.

Here are the six reasons you need to find your own path …

#1 – You stop outsourcing your emotional health to food or over-exercise

You can learn the difference between physical and emotional hunger.

Food was created to bring you pleasure, but it is not what heals hurts or brings peace.

Exercise has many ways that it lifts your mood, but there is a point of using exercise to escape struggles vs. helping you overcome them.

When you sit with discomfort and find what actually fills you emotionally, your strength of self grows.  Your confidence to live and handle difficult situations increases.

#2 – You have mental space to pursue your dreams

This one is huge.

When your mind is cluttered with searching for the next diet or exercise program, or finding recipes that fit the new fad, or shopping for the latest exercise gear you cannot focus on what really matters most to you in life.

It may even go deeper.  If you are staying focused on analyzing food / exercise to avoid dealing with something else, it is time to move forward. 

If you are hiding your best self behind counting this or that, trying to control every bite or workout, it is time to open the curtain and step out on your stage.

#3 – You have increased physical energy

You sleep well, you wake up with energy, and it stays consistent throughout the day so you can accomplish your goals and still enjoy family and friends at the end of the day.

#4 – Your ability to enforce boundaries, with yourself and others, improves

Food police?  Exercise drill sergeant? No more.  Either from others or yourself.

You confidently handle critics.

You also are able to tell yourself “no” when a choice does not value you.

#5 – You have more fun and are more fun to be around

When your excitement comes from discussing the latest fad exercise or diet, it is a boring life.

However, when you have recent adventures or a book you read or a funny family gathering or ____ to talk about, conversations have life in them.

You meet up with people, confident as you accept yourself and others, with less judgement.

Social situations around food are no longer stressful.

You have the physical fitness to enjoy the adventures you want.

#6 – You feel successful, because you are successful

When you learn what works for your body and your lifestyle, and you have the tools and techniques to stick with it, you reach your goals.

You feel successful along the journey because you are living what you value.

#7 – This is a bonus reason because I recently had a conversation with a client and this reason came up – so I added it: 

You become a leader and influencer for good in those around you.

This client was waiting on the inspiration to make changes to come from his circle of family and friends.  I challenged him “Think about who you want to be.  Do you want to be the person who waits to be led or do you want to lead?  Do you want to be influenced or do you want to influence?”  I challenge you, too.  When you find your path to Thrive, you will inspire others to do the same.

This is what finding your path to THRIVE brings you.  It is one of the most amazing adventures you’ll ever go on.

Go here to check out my THRIVE Life course, so you can thrive in YOUR life. 

(We start in a few days.)

Do It Scared

Have you wanted to start something new … join a gym, go to a natural-food market, try a Pilates class … but you were scared of doing something wrong and looking out of place?


I get it. This past week I tried something different to build relationships with some new people. I thought I had prepared, but when I got to talking with them, within about 60 seconds I knew I was going to look foolish.

I felt uncomfortable and nervous. My face was blushed for the first 30 minutes. I also knew if I cut it short and left I would not build the relationships — and I would damage my confidence for the future.

I asked myself …

What’s the worst that can happen? I blush and look silly for a bit, they aren’t gracious, I learn something and life moves on.

What’s the best that can happen? I blush and look silly for a bit, we form a relationship, I get more comfortable and we have a great time.

When you are thinking of trying something new in your life — whether trying out a new class or ordering a healthy dish at a restaurant — do it even if you are scared.

Ask yourself: What’s the worst that can happen? If you can handle whatever that is (and I’ll bet you can), then do it. There’s a 99% chance (not a real statistic) it won’t be the worst. It will likely be closer to the best.

What finally happened for me? One person I really connected with by the end of an hour. Another person I never felt comfortable with and that’s ok.

You can fulfill your potential. Sometimes that means doing life scared.