Why Your Workout Isn't Working for You

A friend called recently. After catching up, she asked me a question I often hear. "We've been trying this workout program, and it is not working right. Is it us?"

All-or-none-cookie-cutter-one-size-fits-all programs are designed to fail. And in the process, you end up feeling like a failure. Which then makes you not want to stick with a healthy lifestyle.

My friend's particular program looked good on paper. Most do.

The program included high intensity interval training (HITT). Good. But maybe not good for you.

(Wondering what a HITT workout is? Or whether a low, moderate, or high intensity workout is right for you? Jump to the two-minute mark of this week’s video.)

Back to my friend … The problem is that she had recently overcome adrenal fatigue and has an 18 month old son..

But here’s an even bigger issue with the cookie-cutter workout plan! Five days of high-intensity exercise back to back does not allow enough recovery time, even if her adrenals were 100%.

When your workout is not working for you, it is tempting to give up.

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Don’t give up.


My friend and I adapted a change in her weight training, lower intensity movement and exercises that rebuild energy. And made sure the schedule allowed for sleeping in sometimes, too!

What about your fitness? What is working or not working for you?

If you want help sticking with your fitness plan, don’t miss my Unlock Your Hidden Health Potential free online workshop.

It is coming up June 2 and 3.

Click here for Workshop Details and Registration.