Surprising Motivation to make Healthier Choices

Is not making healthier choices really hurting you?

You know it can harm your health long-term. But health is easy to put off until tomorrow.

When you are getting motivated to make healthier decisions, you need about 90% “sugar” and 10% “salt” mixed in your motivation.

Keep reading and watching. This 10% will help you. I promise.

Discover the ways that your choices help or hurt you.

Self-esteem and confidence. Immediately.

For example, I stay trapped in a bad relationship with food -- false shame and guilt, dieting, going hungry then sneak eating and binge eating.

It wasn’t just about what I ate or didn’t eat.  It was a self-made prison that ate away at my self-esteem.

A client wanted to lose weight to help his confidence.  In reality, after his first workout he text me “got in my 1st workout.  My ego feels great!” 

Just keeping your word to yourself boosts your confidence.

how you relate to food (1).png

In the video I share how your choices about health habits impact your decisions in relationships.

And I get personal. Really personal.

how you relate to food.png

Another way you are hurt by unhealthy choices:  Money.

Yes, long term medical bills.

But immediately - wasted money.

That gym membership you don’t use?  Wasted money.

A client showed me a fully equipped workout room which was never used (until she started coaching with me).  That money was being thrown away.

If you want to break out of the traps that keep you making unhealthy habits, get registered for my Break Free Retreat.

It’s a ladies only retreat (sorry gents).

Click here for more info and to register.