How to Focus so Your Fitness Goals Actually Work

You’ve set this New Years Resolutions before. Get Healthy This Year.

Why hasn’t it happened? More important — how can you set this year’s resolution so it actually works?

I’m excited to share with you how. And the answer has evolved into a Three Part Mini-Course.

For this week and the next two, set aside a few minutes to watch the video. And … invest a few minutes to implement what I share.

You will be at a better place in a short time when you do.

So, what’s the first essential piece to fitness goals that stick?


You have a lot you want to accomplish this New Year. That is fantastic!

But when you try to start everything at once, it backfires.

Why do you need to Focus on only a few new fitness goals at once? Because every goal has several mini-experiments.

One of my clients set a goal to workout every day. She thought "Hey, mornings will be great to hop on my bike and start my day." By mid-afternoon she was low energy and felt behind in her work. She knew, intuitively, her work out needed to move to the afternoon. She would accomplish her creative tasks in the morning, enjoy a mid-afternoon workout to lift her energy again, and be ready for a fun evening.

Had she started changing her routine, workout, cooking, meditation, bedtime, supplements, meal times, and five other fitness habits all at the same time, it would not have been clear what wasn't working. She would not have had clarity on what to alter.

Once she found the workout time that clicked, then - and only then - was she ready to focus on the next goal.

She thought about what could work. She tested it and noticed what happened. She adjusted.

Remember those steps as you FOCUS on a healthy habit: Think. Notice. Adjust.

Focus on starting one to three (max) new activities. Think. Notice. Adjust.

Then celebrate your progress!

Stay focused in 2022. One goal at a time.