Fun Spring Wellness Routines

Why is going with the flow of the season important?

Because when you try to go against nature’s rhythm, you make it harder for yourself to live healthy.

When you use the strength of the season, sticking with your wellness lifestyle is enjoyable. And easy.

For example, on a 70 degree, sunny Spring day, trudging on a treadmill is going to be procrastinated.

But a lunch time walk in the park feels like play.

Also, there are advantages to Spring offered to you in no other season.

Part of my evening routine is to journal and read. In the Spring I love to enjoy that outside. Why?

Spring is the only season with cool-not-cold evenings with no mosquitos.

Watch this video to get inspired by several ways to Spring-Fling your wellness rituals.

My Spring Challenge to you?

Create one way to embrace the Spring season into your healthy routines.

Enjoy Spring’s gifts while they are here. They truly only come once a year.