Simple Standing Desk Options + Unboxing My New One!

So, you’ve heard all the rave about standing while you work.

Good. Because being able to alternate between sitting and standing is great for your health and your productivity.


How do you decide what option works best for you?

I’m excited to unbox and review the new standing desk converter I’m using now!

Plus, here are some questions I ask myself and my clients to decide what option is best.

  1. Is your current desk one you want or must keep?

  2. Do you sit for most of every day?

  3. Do you have several virtual meetings in which you could easily stand?

  4. How often do you work in multiple locations (coffee shop, clients’ offices)?

  5. Do you mostly work from a laptop, a desktop, or does it depend on the day?

There are several sit-stand desks and standing desk converters available.

You may need one that is several hundred dollars. (And if your situation needs it, that’s pennies compared to back pain.)

On the other extreme, I show you the two DIY versions I used for years. My situation changed. So, I changed my desk set up.

Whatever you choose, make sure you easily get movement put into your day.

Because that’s what will keep you healthy and achieving all you want in life.

What I Got Wrong in my Productivity (and fixed)

I thought I had gotten it right, and recently discovered I was still wrong.

You’ve probably been there, too.

Many years ago I was working as a Personal Trainer at a local gym, while going to grad school. I tried to be “efficient” when I would study between clients. I’d sit in my car where it was quiet. But it would be too hot to concentrate. Or I’d go to the park to read, but too distracting.


I finally figured out that I was more “effective” in the long run if I would drive 15 minutes home, study for an hour, then drive 15 minutes back, even though on my calendar it looked inefficient.

Once I had that “ah-ha” I thought I had the productivity thing figured out…but kept wondering why I wasn’t getting projects done the way I knew, at least on paper, I could.

I tried the ABC prioritizing method. Good? Yes. Incomplete? Definitely.


I tried “time-blocking.” Wow, that really did not work for me. I’d be writing for a blog or video, or preparing for a speaking engagement and underestimate how long I needed, and then my whole “time-blocks” for the day were messed up! Grrr….


I used every “trick” I’d heard of …

“Eat the frog first” from Brian Tracy


And the Pomodoro Technique to help me focus without distraction


But there was still something BIG missing.

As I’ve been helping leaders and professionals increase their energy to make better decisions and get things done, I discovered what I needed!

Energy Zones.

I was using all of these methods, which are good, but in the wrong way.

Once I incorporated what I’m calling Energy Zones, things started clicking.

Before I explain how to map out and use your zones, let me tell you my “last straw” story. I had promised a client I would create something for them that evening. It was in a software program I’ve used 100’s of times. I thought “this should take me about 5 minutes” … and 45 minutes later I was so frustrated with why I could not get the software program to work! Then I saw one tiny button I’d missed clicking.

Why? I was trying to create during a mindless-energy zone. Had I created this during a creative zone, it actually would have only taken the 5 minutes. No wonder I was still getting behind!

Ok, heres’ what this looks like.

  1. Notice the times of day you naturally have more mental energy and creativity

  2. Watch for the times of day you are alert, but not able to be as creative

  3. Pay attention to when your mental energy drops

Then, pull out the time-blocking concept. For me that means after my morning workout, I protect my highest creative work (writing content, researching, problem-solving) at least two days each week.

Early afternoons are my alert but not creative time … strategy and planning come easy for me, so that is when I develop my online courses, answer emails, edit speaking notes.

I get energy both from moving and by interacting with people I enjoy. So late afternoons, I move to increase my energy. And then take the deep mental work I did earlier in the day and give that to my clients in their afternoon calls.

The secret sauce?

  1. Increase your overall energy with the practices I provide you here.

  2. Find your Energy Zones

  3. As much as possible, schedule the types of activities to match your zones

Let me know in the comments what productivity and energy ideas you use!


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Top Five Essential Oils for Positive Energy

Finishing our Energy Series, I want to share a quick energy boost — as well as how to put all of these Energy Strategies together.