Too tired or stressed? Do this.

I was recently talking with a friend who is a master at getting people free from over-tired and over-stressed. We chatted about how when our clients come to us they struggle to have time for exercise and eating healthy. They are tired and stressed.

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Then, after working with us, they are focused on only doing what they do best and aren’t overwhelmed anymore.

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What’s so funny is that we serve our clients in vastly different ways!

I coach.

She’s a virtual assistant!

So we talked about the importance of delegating and how to figure out what to delegate and what not to delegate. And then decided “Hey, this is good stuff. Let’s record our conversation and share it.”

But, here’s the deal. Just because we think it is a conversation you need, doesn’t mean it is, right? Please let me know if …

(a) you love this interview format and want tons more

(b) you enjoy it and want interviews occasionally

(c) nah, you’d rather just stick to me sharing with you

Comment or email me your thoughts.