Easy and Surprising Way to Improve Your Personality

Being healthy is only one reason to choose healthy habits.

You will improve your character and personality traits along the way.

You likely have a trait you want to strengthen. Maybe it is to be more assertive and confident. Maybe you want to be more creative.

But practicing a new way of being can be, well, risky.

Want to be more assertive and negotiate for a raise? That can be scary.

Trying to be more creative in a challenging project? What happens if you get stuck and fail?

You aren’t alone.

Here’s how five people, just like you, used Health Habits as a “training ground” for personality traits.


One client wants to be more assertive. Intuitive Eating is helping her to ask for what she really wants in the safe area of “where to eat dinner.”

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Another wanted to improve his confidence for business meetings. Getting to the gym boosted his esteem, before he lost any weight.

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The book The Millionaire Mind lists fitness, exercise, health, eating well, energy habits - as all vital to develop discipline, stress management, focus, and ability to take risk.

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Another client increased his creativity by going against the workout norms and creating his own routine.

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And yours truly? I’ve been working on mindfulness for a year or so. Intuitive Eating is a safe and fun way to practice being present.

How to choose healthy habits? That’s what this whole site is about.

If you want to speed up the process and stop wasting efforts, email me (sheri@thevireolife.com) and let’s chat. We’ll personalize your plan.