EP 88: Taming the Tension - How Your Good Bugs Battle Stress

In this episode, jump into the fascinating world of your stress-gut-brain connection. Discover how stress impacts your gut and your brain ... and visa versa. Explore ground-breaking research on optimizing your gut microbiome. Learn 5 simple pleasures you can do right now that create a profound shift in your feel-good hormones and relaxation hormones.

EP 85: Spotlight on Thyroid Health - Signs, Symptoms, and Strategies with Angela Mazza, RN

How do you advocate for yourself in the healthcare and wellness world? What are tests you need to spot thyroid issues -- even tests your doctor might not automatically do? How can journaling help you manage medical or health issues? My guest this week, Angela Mazza, RN, helps you uncover these answers. She's both a nurse and a thyroid cancer survivor. Join in for this inspiring conversation.

EP 81: Building You - How Much Protein Do You Really Need

Discover how to calculate your ideal protein intake. Plus how much protein is in your every day foods. Learn about the fantastic four amino acids for your muscle building and your brain health.

And most important, discover how to put all of this together using my Powerful Plate method to make it easy to get in plenty of protein. Head here for more details on a Powerful Plate.

EP 80: Unlock Your Brain Power with Strength Training

In this episode learn how strength training impacts more than just your physique. Discover how it decreases inflammation, increases your metabolism, helps to manage your blood sugar, improve your sleep, and protect your brain, even decreasing dementia risk.

All of that just from lifting some dumbbells a few times a week. Here are the additional resources I mention.



EP 79: Strong Heart - Strong Life. Exercise Strategies Demystified

Let's play a little game of true or false. Do you need to jump into the High Intensity Interval Training class for a healthy heart? Is focusing on cardio the key to a strong heart? Is sitting all day worse for your heart than sleeping a lot? Think you've got the answers? Tune in the this episode to find out all the secrets to exercise and a healthy heart. Here’s the exercise at home resource I mention.
Exercises for Home

EP 74: Muscle in Minutes - A Busy Professionals Blueprint

If you feel like your busy schedule is a roadblock to working out, then this is for you. Learn how to ...

  • Design your program in minutes

  • Principles of Power - to make your strength routine most effective

  • Top 10 Benefits - to keep you motivated

Here are the resources I mentioned -




EP 69: GOATA Movement Training with Guest Dr. Susan Wood

When pain is what's preventing you from exercise, you need to check out GOATA training. When performing better in your sport - whether golf or tennis or fill in the blank - motivates you, you need to check out GOATA training. Or if, like me, you want to hike and move well when you are 100 years old, check out GOATA. Dr. Susan Wood is a Physical Therapist and GOATA movement specialist. Keep moving.

Here are the additional resources we mentioned.


Squat Test

Child Rocker Exercise  

IG: https://www.instagram.com/ptinmotiontn/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/PTinMotionTN

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-susan-wood-dpt-cert-mdt-a1572520/

Website: https://pt-inmotion.com/ 

EP 59: Spark Your Motivation with Short Term Fitness Goals

Going full out on your goals is exciting!
You know what it feels like...  
The anticipation when you sense progress. The dopamine-reward when you achieve your result.

But what about when you're in a monotonous routine? 
There's no immediate thrill.
Like when you try to workout just because it's "good for you in the long-run". 

That doesn't feel motivating, does it?
What happens then?
You procrastinate your fitness with "I'll start next week."

I get it.
And I have a solution.

Ditch general fitness as your goal.
Dig into a short-term target.

In this new Real Wellness episode I recorded for you, we'll explore my clients' three most common "immediate-impact" goals AND how to prepare for them. 

Bonus Resources for you:


EP 14: Five Fun Fitness Hacks for Your Holidays

Imagine starting next year with your fitness goals intact. You've not backtracked. You're still loving being active and have even found new fun ways to be fit. That is what this episode is all about. I give you five fun ways to stay fit in your busy holiday season. Bonus - You'll learn why it is more important than you thought.

Resources I mentioned:
