EP 89: The Resilient Diet - Eat to Beat Stress

Ever walked into a meeting feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders? I get it. But what if I told you that what you eat could change the game?

Imagine this: You're facing a challenging client issue, tensions are high, and your team's counting on you to lead the way. It's make-or-break time.

My question to you is not about what you should say to your team.

My question is "Are you eating in a way consistently that supports your brain to be calm and positive no matter what?"

In this episode:

  • The Power Foods: Discover the delicious ingredients that fuel your brain for calm, focus, and creativity.

  • Avoid the Gut Bombs: Say goodbye to the culprits sabotaging your gut-brain harmony.

  • Spice It Up: Get savvy with spices that lower inflammation so your gut can heal.

Here are the additional resources I mention:

Fat Facts for Optimal Nutrition

How to love drinking water to energize you

These are the nutrients you need when you are stressed

How to Stop Craving Sugar

EP 88: Taming the Tension - How Your Good Bugs Battle Stress

In this episode, jump into the fascinating world of your stress-gut-brain connection. Discover how stress impacts your gut and your brain ... and visa versa. Explore ground-breaking research on optimizing your gut microbiome. Learn 5 simple pleasures you can do right now that create a profound shift in your feel-good hormones and relaxation hormones.

EP 84: The Truth about the Good Carb - Bad Carb Debate

The carb confusion is frustrating enough to make you want to open a gallon of ice cream and forget the whole thing. In this episode, learn what's really real about carbohydrates, how much you need, good-for-you sources of carbohydrate, the best way to enjoy "bad" carbs (spoiler alert: may there aren't bad carbs), and hear about the high sugar junk-food diet -- from a nutritionist who lost 27 pounds in 10 weeks eating junk food.

EP 83: Fat Facts - Your Blueprint for Optimal Nutrition

Here’s the Powerful Plate resource I mention -

Fats are not just about calories. Healthy fats can protect your brain, your nerves, and create all kinds of helpful substances in the body. With them, you'll decrease inflammation, boost your brainpower, and decrease your risk of disease. However the wrong fats (or the right fats in the wrong amount) will damage your DNA, increase disease risk, and mess with your thinking ability. In this episode, learn what healthy fats are, how much you need, and where to find them. Also, discover how to identify bad fats and how to avoid them.

EP 81: Building You - How Much Protein Do You Really Need

Discover how to calculate your ideal protein intake. Plus how much protein is in your every day foods. Learn about the fantastic four amino acids for your muscle building and your brain health.

And most important, discover how to put all of this together using my Powerful Plate method to make it easy to get in plenty of protein. Head here for more details on a Powerful Plate.

EP 76: A Bite-Sized Challenge to Help You Eat Veggies

In college I figured out, with the help of a nutrition coach, that I was not eating enough vegetables. In face, I was barely eating any, even though I thought I was. In this episode discover the life-changing benefits of vegetables for your body and your brain. And learn what counts as a vegetable (plus what does not). Then take the 7 day Microcommitment Challenge to help you easily eat more veggies. Enjoy!

EP 75: Easy Hack to Drink More Water

Learn a tiny commitment that can transform your hydration habit. It is seriously easy. No matter whether drinking enough water is something you struggle to remember, or it is a daily rhythm for you, this micro-commitment will make drinking water the easiest wellness habit you do.

To discover all of the benefits of staying hydrated, how to source your water, how to improve the taste and quality of your water, head here to learn more.

EP 73: Mindful Eating - Find Freedom with Powerful Microcommitments

All-or-none thinking is so last year! In this episode learn a powerful hack to stop all-or-none thinking in its tracks. It is a thought you learned in the diet mentality. You don't have to hold it over into your Intuitive Eating journey. In fact, it slows down getting freedom in your relationship with food.

Here are the resource episodes I mention.




EP 72: Ditch Diets - The Science of Why Diets Fail

Discover both the psychological and physical reasons diets backfire. Learn the changes that happen in your body that set you up to gain weight. And how losing and gaining weight back increases your risk of heart disease. If you are thinking about starting a new diet, listen to this episode first. Get your eyes wide open to the truth.

Here is the episode I mentioned to support you -


EP 63: The Healing Power of Holiday Herbs and Spices

Discover some herbal history in this fun episode. More importantly, learn about the benefits of 5 of your favorite holiday seasonings. Cinnamon, nutmeg/mace, ginger, vanilla, and peppermint. Also learn which one is dangerous in large doses.

The two herbal medicine books I reference in this episode are:

Herbal Emissaries. Bringing Chinese Herbs to the West. By Steven Foster and Yue Chongxi

The Tao of Nutrition. Third Edition. By Maoshing Ni and Cathy McNease

EP 62: Party Dilemma - When to BYOD or Not

Heading into the holiday party season, you'll be going to gathering where you may need to bring your own dish (BYOD) for medical reasons. Or you may prefer to trust yourself to grow as an Intuitive Eater, trusting you will make the best of whatever is available.

I've had times for both, depending on where I was in my journey.

Today you'll answer the question - when is it best for you to BYOD or not?

EP 54: Three Mistakes People Make Trying to Get Out of Chaos

Discover how stress impacts your health and Intuitive Eating. Learn the 3 mistakes people make when trying to get out of a stress-filled survival mode. Find your 3 ways to slave the chaos that's causing your stress.

The resources I mentioned:




EP 53: Five Ways to Maximize the Pleasure of Your Meals

Resources to help you get even more out of this episode:


Alex - @frenchguycooking


You may eat more than your really want because you're chasing satisfaction with quantity instead of quality.

The ingredients, the variety, the spices, and the experience of your meal all add up to either give you pleasure - or leave you feeling bland and wanting more. In the form of "too much". So, check out these 5 ways to maximize your pleasure and elevate your eating experience.

EP 52: The Satisfaction Solution - A Key to Normal Eating

It all started with a Taco Bell bean burrito. Seriously. When I saw a friend not eat the last bite of a burrito because he was satisfied I realized that normal eating was possible. And it hinged on satisfaction. In this episode learn the questions that will help you stop at satisfaction, what satisfaction really is, and why you eat past satisfaction. See you inside!

EP 50: Food Freedom - A Secret to Eating Healthy

Discover why allowing yourself to eat what you really want leads to healthy eating. It's counter-intuitive - but it's real. Learn how putting rules around what you eat actually increases your cravings. And hear my story and friends' stories about how eating what we want helps us eat healthy.

Here’s Episode 30 to help you when what you want to eat is not available.

See you in the 7 Day Intuitive Eating Challenge!

EP 49: Honor Your Hunger to Feed Your Soul

When you make yourself go hungry, you train your mind that your needs don't matter. That there is not enough. When you eat mindlessly or eat when you are not hungry, your train your brain that you can't handle discomfort. Learn how to listen to your hunger cues and honor them. It will give you a healthy body and a strong mind.