Think Different about the Stress (and Fun!) of Business Travel

What if traveling for business could be fulfilling and not frustrating? What if it could leave you not exhausted, but energized?

It can.

Two weeks ago I experimented - with myself - on a business trip. My goal?

  • Decrease the stress of travel

  • Create fulfilling moments with business partners

  • Come away refreshed instead of feeling run over

I got inspired by two of my clients who travel constantly for business.

In this video I tell you their secrets, show you all of my personal experiments and share my results.

Sneak Peek:

  • Taking made-local gifts for the meeting hosts strengthened new relationships.

  • Arriving a few hours early eliminated the worry of “what if the flight is delayed or cancelled”

  • The bonus time turned into a historic walking tour!

  • Staying at a local B&B, instead of a chain hotel, made the evenings feel like a vacation.

  • A last minute decision (you’ll find out what in the video) increased my productivity and lowered my stress at the same time!