Holiday Guide: Five Ways to Prepare Yourself Now

A friend of mine is in a frustrating situation this year, deciding if his family is going to “do Christmas” as usual. With his office now being their living room, it is a bit tricky for a tree.

Another friend asked, “How do you show up to family gatherings confident in clothes? When you’ve lived mostly in sweats this year and put on 15 pounds, nothing fits.”

You can enjoy this season, no matter what. Here’s how -

  1. Set your intentions.

    When December 31st rolls around, what emotions do you want to have experienced? What memories will be beautiful to you? What do you consciously choose as most important this year?

    Write these out where you can see them. Then when you consider your decorations, your cooking, or get invitations, you will have your intentions top of mind.

  2. Once you know your priorities, schedule them and communicate them.

    (Then say “no” to the rest.) This one is hard for me. The planning is easy, but the saying “no” is harder.

    When you say “I am going to host one party and go to 2; the rest of the time I am going to make memories with my spouse and kids” it can be a challenge to turn down other invitations.

    When you say “We are going to the mountains for Christmas” and extended family gets upset, it can be uncomfortable.

    Just remember those intentions you set.

  3. Worried you will overeat and put on weight? Learn to savor your holiday treats.

    This is part of Intuitive Eating and one entire session in my online holiday course “Holiday Health Challenge:2020.”

    You don’t have to wait until the holidays - you can practice this now.

    Select a favorite treat and, undistracted, take one bite. Pay attention to the taste. Rate it. Then take a second bite and do the same. Then a third. On so on. Around the third to fifth bite you will notice the intensity of pleasure decreases. There is your cue. Stop.

    You can always have it again later.

  4. Schedule in the movement you need to feel energetic through the season.

    Don’t ignore your daily walks or whatever exercise keeps you feeling great.

  5. Know your challenges and prepare.

    For me, lack of sleep is a big one, so I know during the holidays when extra activities are going on, sleep must be an even higher priority.

    If your clothes are a little tighter after this year, don’t go on a crash diet - or skip the parties. And don’t wait until the day before to plan what to wear. Prepare. Go buy one great outfit that fits right now. Eat well and move well in the Holiday Health Challenge. Then donate that outfit in 2021.


What will you do to prepare yourself for the holidays?


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