Learning, Laughter, and What You Need to Throw Out

In staying current with health and fitness research, my certifications require "Continuing Education Units."  I'm in the final weeks of intense study for an exam, so I'd thought I'd share some of the highlights I'm learning and laughter I'm enjoying.  Plus, give you some tips to create a healthy life.


The first one is laughter.  In the chapter on communicating with clients, an "understatement of the year" is made ... "Listening is a skill that is always easier said than done."  Can anyone else relate?


The next highlight is more serious.  Exercise keeps our heart healthy and keeps our energy up.  But, in this chapter we review the various balance and planes of movement. Why is that important to you?  Having an exercise program that includes training in balance and moving well means that you will be able to "do life" for a "lifetime" - and with less risk of injury.


So...if I ever have you do some strange looking movements like these, I actually have a reason for it.  (You can still laugh at me when I'm teaching them to you, though.)


Here's a final thought, and likely the most important one.  (Because it doesn't do you any good if I show you some funny looking movements if they aren't practiced, right?)  I was just talking with someone yesterday about this tip:  Environment!

We do what is habit.  We do what is easy.  So, make exercise and eating well easier for yourself.  Ask yourself...

  • What is in your environment that cues you to eat poorly or be sedentary?  What do you need to throw out (or at least re-arrange)? 
  • What needs to be in your environment to make eating healthy and moving fun?  Add it.

For example, a dirty kitchen discourages me from cooking.  Curling up on the sofa to watch a movie clip makes me not want to finish my stretching for the day.  So, I've found my ways around that.  (Doug helps keep the kitchen clean and if I've not finished stretching, I often pull out my stretch mat as we watch part of a movie.  We've not had to throw out the sofa yet.)

What are your ways to create an environment to live healthy?


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