Why Did I Ditch Dieting for Intuitive Eating (and Why You Should too)

When I’m asked “Why are you so passionate about Intuitive and Mindful Eating?” I answer simply…

The Diet Mentality is Dangerous and Robs You of Your Life

I was 9 years old when I first dieted. It is what the women in my family did. And like all new diets, it was exciting.

Until it trapped me.

Here’s what I learned by experience:

  • Dieting destroys self confidence

  • Dieting damages social skills

  • Dieting makes you consumed with thoughts of food

Diets trap you.

Break free faster than I did. (In this video you’ll discover how long it took me to break free on my own vs how long it takes Intuitive Eating clients to break free.)

Don’t waste years trying alone. If you or someone you know is trapped in the diet mentality, reach out to a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. (Yes. I am one. Whether me or someone else, just get the help you need.)


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